
1 -目的

为了公共安全,也为了遵守联邦法律, 州法律和/或RTD客户行为准则政策, 任何人不得在RTD车辆上从事禁止的行为, 操作及维修设施, 和财产, 包括但不限于公交候车亭, 公交车站, 铁路平台, 行政, 和/或RTD设备.

Violation of the above may subject a person to enforcement ranging up to and including the following:

1. 口头或书面的停职通知;
2. 立即停职,和/或
3. 刑事传票.

An individual suspended from the transit system will not be entitled to any refund of unused fare media that may expire during the time of their exclusion.


违反联邦法律的, 州法律, and/or the RTD Customer Code of Conduct Policy may be cause for suspension of a person’s privileges to enter upon RTD property and use of the transit system. Notice of such suspension shall be in a written “Notice of Suspension” form and will notify the person suspended of the cause, 暂停的时间, 上诉程序, 如果不遵守规定,可能会受到刑事起诉. 只是一名RTD运输警察, RTD过境安全官员, RTD巴士/轻轨/通勤铁路主管, 及任何警务人员可发出暂停执行通知书.

RTD 交通警察 Officers and RTD过境安全官员s have the authority to remove, 立即, 违反联邦法律的RTD物业人员, 州法律, 和/或RTD客户行为准则中规定的禁止行为.

The immediate suspension of a customer that frequents RTD transit services functions as a system that holds customer accountable for their actions and promotes the public health and safety, 在使用交通服务时.

在立即停职的情况下, the RTD 交通警察 Officer or a RTD过境安全官员 will order an immediate exit from RTD property. 除了迅速从RTD财产中移除, 客户还将收到一份“暂停通知”,,这可以在RTD客户行为准则中找到. 在立即停职的情况下, the duration of the suspension becomes effective at the time of issuance of the Notice of Suspension.

3 -悬架长度

一般, the following criteria will determine the length of suspensions for each customer and/or person on RTD property found in violation of federal law, 州法律, 和/或违反RTD客户行为准则的行政行为.

1. A person receiving a Notice of Suspension for fare evasion is subject to a suspension from RTD transit services:

a. 第一个进攻: 警告最多停学1天.
b. 第二个进攻: 罚款及停学1至30天.
c. 第三个进攻: 罚款及停牌30至90天.
d. 进一步的犯罪: 罚款及停学90至365天.

1. A person receiving a Notice of Suspension for a violation of RTD’s Customer Code of Conduct, but the act is not a violation of the Colorado Criminal Code or the Municipal Code where the act is committed, 的即时传送服务将会暂停:

a. 第一个进攻: 警告,停学14天.
b. 第二个进攻: 停职14至60天.
c. 第三个进攻: 停职60至120天.
d. 进一步的犯罪: 停职120至365天.

1. A person receiving a Notice of Suspension for an act that violates either the Colorado Criminal Code or the Municipal Code in the Municipality where the act is committed, 但这种行为并不是科罗拉多州刑法中定义的暴力犯罪, 的过境服务将会暂停;

a. 第一个进攻: 最少14天, 但不能超过150天, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.
b. 第二个进攻: a minimum of 90 days up to 365 days, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.
c. 第三个进攻: 至少180天直至永久停赛, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.

2. 因暴力犯罪而收到停职通知书的人, 根据科罗拉多州刑法的定义, 的过境服务将会暂停;

a. 第一个进攻: 至少365天,直至永久禁止使用RTD运输系统, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.
b. 第二个进攻: 至少730天直至永久停牌, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.
c. 第三个进攻: a minimum of 1095 days up to permanent suspension, depending on the nature and severity of offense.

3. A person receiving a Notice of Suspension for any criminal offense committed against an RTD employee or RTD Contractor, 包括但不限于殴打, 盗窃, 抢劫, 威胁, 或者性侵犯, 的过境服务将会暂停;

a. 第一个进攻: 至少150天,直至永久禁止使用RTD运输系统, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.
b. 第二个进攻: 至少365天直至永久停职, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.
c. 第三个进攻: 至少730天直至永久停牌, 取决于犯罪的性质和严重程度.

If a customer refuses to stay and receive their copy of their citation for a fare related violation, 客户可能会受到下列暂停服务:

a. 第一个进攻: not to exceed 30 days, in addition to the time of suspension for the underlying violation.
b. 第二个进攻: not to exceed 90 days, in addition to the time of suspension for the underlying violation.
c. 第三个进攻: not to exceed 365 days, in addition to the time of suspension for the underlying violation.

If the suspended individual elects to use RTD services during the period of suspension, 他们可能会受到额外的处罚, 从额外的停牌日到包括非法侵入罪的指控.

4 -暂停上诉

1. 聆讯权
每一个被发出停职通知的人,如果被要求,都有权参加听证会. The purpose of the hearing is (a) to review and determine whether the evidentiary basis for issuance of the suspension is sufficient pursuant to RTD’s Customer Code of Conduct; (b) to determine whether the length and scope of the suspension is commensurate with the nature of the violation; (c) to render a finding on whether it is more probable than not that the individual engaged in conduct justifying the suspension; (d) consider any mitigating and aggravating factors relevant to the scope and length of the suspension; (e) and issue a final suspension order to sustain, 修改, 或者搁置客户暂停. RTD will consider any evidence that supports or negates a finding that the individual engaged in conduct justifying the suspension. Evidence that a corresponding criminal case was dismissed may be considered but is not dispositive of whether the individual engaged in conduct justifying the suspension. All persons receiving a notice of suspension shall receive notice of their right to a hearing. It shall be the suspended individual’s burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that they did not engage in the conduct that resulted in their suspension.

2. 诉讼
任何获发停牌通知书的人士,可向指挥官提出上诉, 专业服务在签发后十(10)个工作日内送达.


a. 上诉的形式
b. 暂停执行通知书
c. 上诉的理由
d. 请求日期及请求人的联络资料

如获发暂停执行通知书的人士不能提出上诉, 他们的代表, upon written verification regarding the representative’s right to act on behalf of the person issued the suspension notice may submit the request. 代表可以包括, 但不限于, 一位律师, 未成年人父母被停职, 法定监护人及/或代表人,并具授权书.

如该人不向指挥官提出停职上诉, 专业服务, 或者他们指定的人, 10个工作日内, 原《冰球突破豪华版试玩》为最终文件.

3. 上诉聆讯的安排

a. 听证会日期: The person seeking an appeal of their suspension must submit their request to 指挥官, 专业服务, 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护), 或者给指挥官写信, 专业服务, 区域运输区, 布莱克街1660号, 丹佛,CO 80202. 指挥官, 专业服务, 或者他们指定的人, will contact the individual by phone or mail to schedule a hearing within three (3) business days of receipt of the Notice of Appeal.

b. 延续: 指挥官, 专业服务, 或者他们指定的人, 可以准许延期吗, 根据自己的动议或被暂停的客户的动议, 如果延期是有保证或必要的. 指挥官, 专业服务, 或由其指定人全权决定准许或拒绝延期.

4. 聆讯证据
指挥官, 专业服务, 或者他们指定的人 will review all relevant information and shall consider any mitigating or aggravating factors in determining the appropriate scope and length of the suspension, 由他/她自行决定. 在考虑了提出的证据之后, 指挥官, 专业服务, 或者其指定人员可以维持停职, 修改悬挂, 或者搁置暂停.

5. 最后的命令
在听证会结束后的10个工作日内, 指挥官, 专业服务, 或者他们指定的人 shall issue a Final Order setting forth all findings and decisions on the suspension, 除非在10天内发出最后命令是不切实际的. If a final order cannot be issued 10个工作日内 of the conclusion of the hearing, 指挥官, 专业服务, 或其指定人员 shall extend the stay on the suspension until the final order is effect. 最后的命令 shall be deemed issued on the date of mailing to all parties at the address provided by the parties, 直通U型.S. 邮寄或电子邮件,并自签发之日起三个工作日生效.

最后命令应载明指挥官的调查结果, 专业服务, 或其指定人员, 以及这些发现的基础. 如果最终命令维持或修改暂停通知, 最后命令应明确规定暂停执行的期限, 包括确切的开始和结束日期.